Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

It is a syndrome that refers to people who have significant difficulty concentrating on an activity and may also be physically hyperactive.

In particular, people with ADHD are characterized by carelessness, clumsiness, difficulties in committing to school obligations or adhering to suggestions. The disorder translates as inability to regulate behavior. It is often associated with poor school performance, learning disabilities and communication.

It is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders and the symptoms usually start in preschool.

These children also often have language difficulties or special learning needs. As physical hyperactivity improves with age, little is known about the nature of these problems in adolescence and later life. It is possible that the remaining difficulties are mainly related to the young person’s ability to concentrate or social maturity, although the latter is not a diagnostic feature.

Between 30% and 50% of children with ADHD also have behavioral problems (antisocial behavior) and this combination is more difficult to treat.


A child with ADHD is likely to:
      • finds it difficult to concentrate
      • he does not seem to be listening and daydreaming
      • easily broken down by homework and play
      • forgets things
      • is in constant motion and stay seated
      • spinning and constantly moving nervously
      • he talks too much
      • can not play quietly
      • works and speaks without thinking
      • finds it difficult to take turns with others
      • interrupts others

ADHD has the following three subcategories:


Problem of Self-concentration – Abstract – Dreamy – Forgetful


Impatient – BEFORE THOUGHT, ACT – EXCEEDS LIMITS – Casual – Interrupts others – Answers before the question is over – Does not end what begins


Immobile – Twitter – Annoying – Weed
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